Hi, I'm Katherine, a Physical & Health Education Teacher.

Selected work

Disc Golf!

Disc Golf!

Students were tasked with creating and completing a disc golf course at home.

Goal: movement, fun, skill reflection and refinement.

Running the Trees

Students were tasked with participating in fitness activities in and around items outdoors.

Goal: movement, fun, creative use of outdoor space.

Teaching Sample

Students received direct instruction in target heart rate assessment and recording.

Goal: self-selected physical activity, data gathering, physiological self-assessment.

Snack Time

Snack Time

Students were tasked with demonstrating understanding of MyPlate food grouping via an EdPuzzle and a FlipGrid cooking show.

Goal: creation of food grouping snack in their own kitchen.

Hopscotch Circuit: Unique cardio.

Students completed a series of different hopscotch patterns while keeping score.

Goal: creative play, moderate to vigorous physical activity.

Learning Outcomes & Workout Design

Students were tasked with creating a personalized workout based on a self-selected goal.

Goal: lifelong learning, self-management.

Health Information Consumer

Health Information Consumer

Students completed this "slide set" over the course of two weeks. They received instruction and engaged through several formats including FlipGrids, EdPuzzles, and Pear Deck.

Goal: consumer awareness specifically related to the health and fitness industry.


FITT Principle 2: Hyperdoc and HR Chart

Students in the Personal Fitness class received instruction regarding the FITT Principle (frequency, intensity, time, and type). They performed moderate to vigorous physical activity (MVPA) and a self-assessment.

Goal: movement, fitness programming basics.

Partner Plank Assessment

Students were paired up and took turns assessing a partner's "plank" exercise. An assessment form and a participant feedback sheet were used.

Goal: movement refinement, communication.

Get in touch at katherineholmes1970@gmail.com