Hi, I'm Katherine, a Physical & Health Education Teacher.
Selected work
Running the Trees
Students were tasked with participating in fitness activities in and around items outdoors.
Goal: movement, fun, creative use of outdoor space.
Teaching Sample
Students received direct instruction in target heart rate assessment and recording.
Goal: self-selected physical activity, data gathering, physiological self-assessment.
Hopscotch Circuit: Unique cardio.
Students completed a series of different hopscotch patterns while keeping score.
Goal: creative play, moderate to vigorous physical activity.
Learning Outcomes & Workout Design
Students were tasked with creating a personalized workout based on a self-selected goal.
Goal: lifelong learning, self-management.
Health Information Consumer
Students completed this "slide set" over the course of two weeks. They received instruction and engaged through several formats including FlipGrids, EdPuzzles, and Pear Deck.
Goal: consumer awareness specifically related to the health and fitness industry.
FITT Principle 2: Hyperdoc and HR Chart
Students in the Personal Fitness class received instruction regarding the FITT Principle (frequency, intensity, time, and type). They performed moderate to vigorous physical activity (MVPA) and a self-assessment.
Goal: movement, fitness programming basics.
Partner Plank Assessment
Students were paired up and took turns assessing a partner's "plank" exercise. An assessment form and a participant feedback sheet were used.
Goal: movement refinement, communication.
Get in touch at katherineholmes1970@gmail.com